Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Stuff - Ellowyne, Sybil, Evangeline, Outfits

This month has been filled with hard-to-avoid sales and I avoided very few of them.

Here are some of the latest additions to my collection, all from Wilde Imagination.

Ellowyne's Cat, Sybil, will make an appearance from time to time. I love putting creatures in my doll photos. This one is a riot with her crazy face and motley fur.  I just noticed that she arrived with part of her lower jaw missing. Apparently she has bitten off more than she could chew. Bad kitty.

My newest Ellowyne is called Empty Thrill. I love her outfit!

A few weeks ago I purchased a nude, bald "Essential Ellowyne, Too Wigged-Out - Debut." She was just hanging out on the day Princess Diana's "Travolta" gown arrived so she was dressed in it. One snap located at the widest part of her hips had to be left undone, otherwise the fit is excellent. She is wearing her "bored" wig with the pieces of hanging hair wound around the buns. I think she looks great.

Everlasting Evangeline who came with two wigs got a quick shot in  her basic outfit. I added the Joe Tai jewelry.
Below, Everlasting is dressed in a new fashion called "Grey As The Moors." One of the things I love about her fashions is that there is no skimping on volume. The cape is amazingly beautiful and the hood is very large.

 Here is "A Tangled Web" dressed in "A Windy Evening" coat and the "Eternal Tulle Skirt Set." The skirt comes with hosiery that has differently patterned legs. It's a little Alice in Wonderland-ish but very pretty.

Finally we have Waiting For Mortimer wearing the most amazing fashion yet, "Widow's Walk."
It starts with a lovely, all black dress that laces up the front and has a full, sweeping, drapey skirt. The coat is made from a gorgeous woven brocade fabric with puff sleeves and sweeping, long black drapey things. This fabric spreads out quite far, if desired, or can be puddled at the hem. Right now the outfit is on sale as it's almost sold out. I paired it with the shoes called "Plum Paces."

Here are  pictures from the Wilde website to show you what the dress underneath looks like and the shoes which I added.

The new Evangelines are stunning. But it's time for me to really enjoy what I already have and get some of that Play Power turned on.

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