Monday, January 10, 2011

The Saga of the Bad Hair Day Part 2

I spent at least an hour detangling poor Jenny's hair. When I started it looked like:
 She is sitting, not lying down and the hair is standing straight up with lots of tangles, mats, and frizz. Also note the white spots on her face.
Now after I combed it out using hair detangler I got from the dollar store, it looked like the pictures below. If she had been a human, wow, would she have been screaming!

See how the spots on her face are gone!  They came off with the non-acetone nail polish remover. That was a good thing!. Next I will wash and Downy Dunk! At least her hair is pointing in the right direction.  Looks like she had a major hair cut at some time.  More later.
     Later:  After I washed her hair with Dawn, the Downy Dunk has begun.She needs to soak about 25 years!
  Well, Jenny looks peaceful. Hoping for a miracle!

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